Patient is a 69 year old woman (190lbs., 5’4”) who complained of lax arms after 30 pounds of weight loss a few years ago. She wanted to smoothen and tighten the loose skin on her arms which restricted her clothing and confidence.
Patient is a 48 year old woman (217lbs., 5’5”) who complained of lax arms after 100 pound weight loss a few years ago with open gastric bypass. She wanted to smoothen and tighten the loose skin on her arms which restricted her clothing and confidence.
Patient is a 45 year old woman (195 lbs., 5’2”) who complains of a lax abdomen after childbearing and especially after her c-section. Her weight is now stable after significant weight changes, with her highest weight being 270lbs. After receiving a tummy tuck with liposuction of the flanks and an arm lift, she is not able to continue her active lifestyle.
Patient is a 36 year old woman who had arm lift surgery out-of-state 7 years ago. She complained that her skin was still sagging and has been since surgery. She is requested an arm lift correction surgery and is thrilled with her results from Dr. Burt! Patient is a 36 year old woman who had arm lift surgery out-of-state 7 years ago. She complained that her skin was still sagging and has been since surgery. She is requested an arm lift correction surgery and is thrilled with her results from Dr. Burt!
Gender: Female Age: 52 Description: Patient Description: Patient is a pleasant 52 year old RN who complains of loose arm skin after weight loss and aging. She is now 6 months after arm lift using liposuction and arm skin excision.
Gender: Female Age: 50 Description: Patient is a 50 year old white female who complains of loose arms despite exercising and weight loss. She is now 3 months s/p bilateral arm lift and concurrent liposuction.
Gender: Female Age: 50 Description: Patient is a 50 year old HF who complains of lax arms after 30 pounds of weight loss. She is now 3 months after bilateral arm lift using liposuction and open arm lift.