
Unveil a Brighter You with Blepharoplasty

A handsome man touching his chin

Unveil a Brighter You with Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty Naperville, also known as eyelid surgery, corrects the shape and proportion of the upper and/or lower eyelids to deliver a more rested and youthful look to your eyes. Dr. Neena Will performs the upper eyelid surgery to alleviate the unsightly hooded appearance that results from extra skin and fat in this area. A lower eyelid blepharoplasty can reduce puffiness and “pillows” under the eyes. Dr. Will often performs upper eyelid and lower eyelid lifts simultaneously.

While blepharoplasty will make you look younger and more refreshed, the procedure will not affect your ethnic or racial heritage or change the actual shape of your eyes.

Are You a Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty (Eyelid lift)?

Eyelid surgery or Blepharoplasty in Naperville, IL is an excellent cosmetic treatment if you have loose, sagging eyelids and/or excess puffiness and skin under the eyes. This is often performed in conjunction with Botox to treat crow’s feet and lines around the eyes, delivering a more refreshed facial look and accentuate your natural beauty.

To undergo blepharoplasty, you must be in good health and have realistic expectations of what the procedure can accomplish. Those who have severe dry eyes or an overactive thyroid gland may not be good candidates for the procedure as this can cause increased swelling around the eyes. After a careful screening process, Dr. Will, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon, will help you determine if an eyelid surgery is an appropriate treatment option for you.

Signs of Aging in the Upper Lids

As the upper lids age, fatty deposits may appear, making the eyes look puffy or tired. The skin also loses elasticity, and-thanks to the effects of gravity-the skin begins to gather on the upper eyelids, distorting its natural contours or causing the eyelids to droop past the eyelashes.

In some cases, the excess skin sags into the patient’s line of sight, which impairs his or her vision.

Signs of Aging in the Lower Lids

As the lower lids age, the skin and underlying muscles loosen. The skin around the eyes may wrinkle, dark under-eye bags may appear, and the lower lids may droop, which makes the eyes look weary, and the patient look older than he or she actually is.

A beautiful brunette woman touching her face with both hands

Before & After Photos

Explore our before and after gallery to witness the remarkable transformations that have left our clients feeling more confident and beautiful than ever. From subtle enhancements to dramatic makeovers, our gallery showcases the artistry of transformation.

Blepharoplasty Procedure Details

Dr. Will may perform the eyelid surgery in our Naperville and Burr Ridge area offices under local anesthesia. The specific blepharoplasty technique Dr. Will employs will vary depending on whether she is treating the upper and/or lower eyelids. She also takes into account other factors, such as your facial muscle and bone structure, the symmetry of your eyebrows, and the degree of correction necessary.

Before Dr. Will starts the eyelid surgery, she will mark the lids where she needs to remove excess tissue.

If Dr. Will is treating the upper lids, she makes an incision along the natural crease of the lid. (She will carefully conceal the incisions within the eyelid’s structures to prevent visible scarring.) Through the incision, she removes excess fat, skin and muscle, repositions the remaining fat, and tightens the remaining muscles. These surgical modifications make the upper eyelids look tighter and more youthful, and the entire eye look more alert and rested.

If Dr. Will is treating the lower lids, she makes an incision either on the inside of the lid or below the lash-line, depending on how much excess skin needs to be removed. Through the incision, she removes excess fat and skin and tightens the muscles and remaining skin for an overall smoother and tighter contour.

Once Dr. Will has completed the necessary surgical steps, she closes the incisions with very fine and sometimes absorbable sutures.

What to Expect During Your Recovery from Blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, Dr Neena Will will lubricate your eyes. You may feel some numbness and swelling. Also, blurry vision is very common right after surgery. A five- to seven-day recovery at home is necessary, after which you can return to work. Any swelling, bruising and mild discomfort will subside within a few days, and the results will become more visible over time – generally within 10 to 14 days. Dr. Will will provide detailed postoperative instructions for you to follow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our patients have many questions about the eyelid lift. The most frequently asked questions we receive include the following:

You should do several things to prepare for your eyelid surgery. During your initial surgical consultation with Dr. Will, she will inquire about your medical history, including any past or current eye conditions, and she will ask you to list all of the medications you are currently taking.

Once Dr. Will has determined that you are a suitable candidate for blepharoplasty and you have scheduled your procedure, she will advise whether you should stop taking certain prescription medications, and/or supplements, that may increase your risk of bleeding. You should also refrain from taking aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications in the weeks leading up to your eyelid lift surgery. If you smoke, you will need to stop weeks prior to surgery.

You should also make sure to hydrate properly, eat a well-balanced diet, and get enough sleep as you prepare for your blepharoplasty surgery. This will help you during your recovery.

No, blepharoplasty should not be painful. Our surgeon will use anesthesia to numb the area and prevent you from feeling anything during your procedure. For patients interested in a twilight anesthesia, we will arrange the eyelid lift surgery at our on-site outpatient surgical center.

If you experience any post-operative discomfort or soreness as your eyelids heal, we will provide you with a prescription for oral pain medication.

No, eyelid surgery does not treat crow’s feet. If you are concerned about the appearance of crow’s feet, Botox treatment, an eyebrow lift or laser resurfacing surgery may be a better option for you.

No, eyelid surgery will not affect the vertical lines between the eyebrows. Dr. Will can recommend another procedure (i.e., Botox or laser resurfacing) to target those lines.

Minor swelling, soreness and blurred vision are normal after surgery, and will subside within a few days. As stated above, any post-operative discomfort or pain is manageable with oral medication.

We recommend that our blepharoplasty patients relax during their recovery and avoid anything that could strain their eyes as the lids heal. Take care of your body by getting enough sleep and eating a well-balanced diet. Everyone heals at their own pace, and you shouldn’t rush your body to return to your normal routine until you’re ready.

Dr. Will typically removes the sutures after a week. She will give you detailed aftercare instructions to follow during your recovery. If you have any questions or concerns while you recover, we encourage you to call our office at any time.

Blepharoplasty results will last for many years. However, it’s important to understand that surgery won’t stop the aging process, and signs of aging may reappear in the future.

Scars from the incisions should fade over time, becoming nearly invisible within about six months. Dr. Will can give you instructions for caring for your incision lines to minimize scarring.

Ptosis Repair

What is a Ptosis Repair?

A ptosis repair is a quick procedure that addresses droopy eyelids either via a well healing incision through the crease of the upper eyelid or via a scarless technique. Candidates are assessed for the underlying cause of their droopy eyelids during their consultation. A ptosis surgery tightens the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid. A common cause of eyelid ptosis is the weakening and stretching of the levator muscle, which works to lift the upper eyelid. Often eyelid ptosis can affect one’s vision. Sometimes, this procedure can be covered by insurance, pending how much eyelid ptosis affects a candidate’s vision. If you are a candidate for ptosis repair covered by insurance, you will be sent to an ophthalmologist for visual field testing.

How is Ptosis Repair Surgery Done?

There are a couple techniques to perform ptosis repair, depending on how severe the drooping of the eyelid is. One technique involves tightening the muscle through the pink lining of the inside of the eyelid. Another technique involves direct suturing of the levator muscle by accessing it through a skin incision made through the supratarsal crease. Generally, this surgery can be done under IV sedation.

Eyelid Surgery Costs and Financing

After performing a physical evaluation of your eyes, discussing your needs and drafting a proposed surgical blepharoplasty plan, Dr. Will and our team will provide you with a quote for your eyelid lift. We will explain what is and is not included in the quote.

Most insurance plans do not cover eyelid lift, as it is regarded as an elective cosmetic procedure in many cases. However, coverage may vary by provider, and it’s best to check your plan documents to be sure.