Patient 73
Patient 72
Patient 71
Patient 70
Patient 69
Patient 68
Patient 67
Patient 66
Patient 64
Patient is a 27 year old female who underwent breast augmentation.
Patient 63
Patient is a 29 year old woman (125lbs., 5’3”) who complained of small B cup breasts after breastfeeding her two children. She used to be a C cup prior to having children and wanted to go back to a full C or small D cup.
Patient 62
Patient is a 31 year old woman (5’2” and 140lbs) who complains of small B cup breasts after weight loss. She is very happy with the natural results she received from her breast augmentation.
Patient 61
Patient is a 40 year old woman (5’8” and 132lbs) who complains of small A cup breasts after breastfeeding her children. She requested to restore firmness and increase to her previous C cup breast.
Patient 60
Patient is a 35 year old woman (5’2” and 123lbs) who complains of small breasts after childbearing; including a set of twins. She was a B cup and wanted to be a full C cup breast.
Patient 59
Patient is a 24 year old woman (92lbs., 5’4”) who complains of A cup breasts. She has been considering surgery for many years and would like to be an average C cup or full B cup breast.