Tummy Tuck

Unveil Your Confidence, Embrace a Flatter You

Patient 1

Gender: Female Age: 49 Description: Patient is a pleasant 49 year old WF who has lost over 75 pounds and complains of loose abdominal skin in the front and in the waist. She is now 6 months after abdominoplasty with liposuction to the flanks. She has reduced by two dress sizes.

Patient 2

Patient is a 35 year old woman (5’6” and 180lbs) who complains of a lax abdomen after childbearing. After receiving an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) procedure, she returned to request a Brazilian Butt Lift. By further contouring her flanks and bra rolls with liposuction, the fat was then used to improve shape and lift the buttocks.

Patient 3

Patient is a 46 year old woman (170 lbs., 5’ 4”) who complains of lax abdominal wall and flanks after childbearing. She is extremely pleased with the results from her tummy tuck and is excited to continue exercising and working as a fitness trainer.

Patient 4

Patient is a pleasant 45 year woman (145lbs and 5’7”) who is here with her husband to discuss abdominoplasty. She has completed childbearing and has 2 children with the youngest 12 years old. Despite exercising she complains of loose skin and fullness in her abdomen, especially in the last 4-5 years. She is now feeling comfortable in her clothes again with a new sense of confidence.

Patient 5

Patient is a pleasant woman who has had 100 pound weight loss with gastric bypass surgery. She has had 9 children by c-section. She has previously had a breast augmentation and lift about 9 years ago as well. She feels that the implant volume is good but the implants sit too low and she wants her complete abdominal area corrected. By receiving a circumferential tummy tuck and breast lift revision, she is now able to enjoy the results of her weight loss.

Patient 6

32 year old woman who complains of loose skin and fullness of the abdomen as a result of childbearing. She requested a tummy tuck to remove excess skin and tighten her abdomen.

Patient 7

Patient is a 49 year old African American female who has been at a stable weight now and wants to correct her abdomen. She is preparing for a girls’ trip and was excited to wear more revealing clothes and swimsuits. She is now 6 months after her tummy tuck with liposuction of the flanks. She has lost additional 15 pounds and two dress sizes already! She returned to work within 10 days of surgery and is back to her regular cardio activity.

Patient 8

Patient is a 41 year old woman who complained of lax abdominal wall after losing over 100lbs. from gastric sleeve surgery three years ago. She requested a circumferential tummy tuck to remove excess skin from her drastic weight loss.

Patient 9

patient has had 2 kids and 80lbs weight loss and had extremely loose skin and massive weight loss. She had a Tummy Tuck w/ lipo flanks and repaired Diastasis recti of her muscles. She had a concurrent bilateral breast augmention and lift – 310cc moderate high profile xtra silicone implants. The xtra implants provide additional firmness and a projected shape!

Patient 10

Patient has had 6 kids and 15 lbs weight loss and was frustrated with lax skin and muscles after her children. She has had bilateral arm and thigh lift with liposuction. Circumferential tummy tuck with liposuction Bilateral breast lift. She stayed a D cup but is now lifted and firm.

Patient 11

Patient is a 55 year old woman (120lbs and 5’9”) has completed childbearing and requested to smooth her abdominal wall and improve her waistline. She is feeling much more confident from the beautiful results she received from her abdominoplasty.

Patient 12

Gender: Female Age: 38

Patient 13

Gender: Female Age: 37 Description: Patient is a 37 year old Asian female who complains of a loose abdomen after 2 twin children. She is now 6 months s/p abdominoplasty with lipo of the hips.

Patient 14

Patient is a pleasant AAF who complains of lax abdomen after childbearing and weight loss. Her weight is stable now and her children are grown. She feels it is now time to correct the laxity once and for all. She is now one year after an abdominoplasty and liposuction of the flanks. She has reduced by two dress sizes and is back to her baseline activity levels. She is so pleased that she continues to refer her friends!

Patient 15

Abdominoplasty w/ Lipo: Patient is a pleasant mother of 2 who complains of lax abdominal wall after childbearing. She had previous coolsculpting without significant improvement. She wanted improvement in the hanging skin and loose abdominal muscles. She is now 6 months after her abdominoplasty and liposuction of her flanks and hips. She is back to her regular exercise regimen too!

Patient 16

Abdominoplasty w/ Lipo: Patient is a pleasant 33 year old fitness instructor who has always been thin but complains of lax abdominal skin after childbearing and further fitness training. She underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction of the flanks to retighten her muscles and remove the loose skin and rejuvenate the umbilicus. She is now several months after surgery and back to doing light cardio and light weights.

Patient 17

Patient 18

Patient is a 45 year old woman (130 lbs., 5’4”) who is a mother of three; including twins. She complains of loose skin and fullness to her abdomen due to previous c-sections. She is now feeling confident again after her tummy tuck with liposuction.

Patient 19

Patient is a 45 year old woman (195 lbs., 5’2”) who complains of a lax abdomen after childbearing and especially after her c-section. Her weight is now stable after significant weight changes, with her highest weight being 270lbs. After receiving a tummy tuck with liposuction of the flanks and an arm lift, she is not able to continue her active lifestyle.

Patient 20

Patient is a pleasant 39 year old who is here to discuss abdominoplasty. She has completed childbearing and has 4 children. She complains of loose skin and fullness with children. She has had 4 C-sections and complains of the hanging skin over the scar.

Patient 21

Patient is a pleasant 63 year old white female who is a longstanding patient for Botox. She has been considering liposuction and abdominoplasty for several years. She has obtained a good and stable baseline weight, adjusted her diet, and has stayed active in preparation for her surgery. She is now 9 months after abdominoplasty and liposuction of the flanks and bra rolls. She had additional fat from the liposuction injected into her face to rejuvenate and lift her cheeks and nasal folds. She is so pleased with her new shape and her new wardrobe! She spends her winters in Florida and is ready to go to the beach with confidence.

Patient 22

Abdominoplasty w/ Lipo: Patient is a 30 year old Asian female who has had significant weight gain with a change in her medications. She has started with some weight loss but wants a bigger jumpstart with an abdominoplasty. She is now 3 months s/p abdominoplasty with lipo of the flanks and bra rolls. She has lost 4 inches off her waist already.

Patient 23

Patient is a 38 year old woman (196lbs and 5’3”) who complained of a lax abdominal wall after childbearing. She has now completed childbearing and requested an abdominoplasty for abdominal rejuvenation.

Patient 24

Patient is a 61 year old woman (230lbs and 5’3”) who had gastric sleeve surgery and has lost over 135 pounds. She has reduced the heavy, hanging excess abdominal skin as a result from her weight loss through abdominoplasty.

Patient 25

Patient is a 42 year old woman (170lbs and 5’6”) who complained of a lax abdomen after a twin pregnancy. She has completed childbearing but is unhappy with the lax skin and fullness in her middle. The results from her abdominoplasty have now restored her confidence!

Patient 26

Patient is a 35 year old woman (5’9” and 230lbs) who complains of a lax abdomen after slow weight gain and childbearing. She requests to improve her abdomen and give more smooth body contouring. Patient received an abdominoplasty and liposuction of the flanks and bra rolls.

Patient 27

Patient is a 31 year old (208lbs., 5’2”) mother of four and has tried weight loss without much improvement. She would like a jumpstart to improve her abdominal area with abdominoplasty. She is now able to resume her regular activity and move forward towards her goals.

Patient 28

Gender: Female Age: 35

Patient 29

Patient is a 46 year old woman (194lbs) who complains of a lax abdomen after losing over 150lbs on her own with diet and exercise. She wants to improve the shape of her abdomen and remove excess skin. She received a circumferential tummy tuck and is now able to continue her healthy lifestyle.

Patient 30

Gender: Female Description: tummy tuck with lipo of hips

Patient 31

Gender: Female Age: 60 Description: Patient is a 60 year old female who has lost over 100 pounds with gastric sleeve surgery. She is only 3 months s/p abdominoplasty with lipo of the hips.

Patient 32

Gender: Female Age: 42 Description: Mini Tummy Tuck

Patient 33

Gender: Female Age: 30 Description: Patient is a 30 year old female who complains of persistent large abdomen. She is 9 months s/p abdominoplasty with removal of over 10 pounds.

Patient 34

Gender: Female Age: 40 Description: Patient is a 40 year old patient who complains of lax abdominal wall and breasts after 30 pound weight loss. She underwent mommy makeover with a breast lift and abdominoplasty with lipo of the hips and bra rolls.

Patient 35

Gender: Female Age: 37 Description: Patient is a 37 year old female who complains of a lax abdominal wall after 3 children. She is 7 months s/p abdominoplasty with lipo of the hips and back.

Patient 36

Gender: Female Age: 40 Description: Patient is a 40 year old female who has had 20 pounds weight loss with diet and exercise. She is one year s/p abdominoplasty with lipo of the hips.

Patient 37

Gender: Female Age: 40 Description: Patient is a 40 year old white female who complains of droopy B cup breasts and lax abdomen after gaining 20 pounds. She underwent mommy makeover and is now 6 months s/p bilateral breast lift and augmentation with 350 cc MPP smooth silicone implants and lollipop lift and is now a full C cup. She also underwent abdominoplasty with tightening of the abdominal muscles.

Patient 38

Gender: Female Age: 32 Description: Mini Tummy Tuck

Patient 39

Gender: Female Age: 35 Description: Patient is a 35 year old female who has had 40 pounds of weight loss with Weight Watchers. She underwent abdominoplasty and then a full 360 6 months later. She is now one year s/p the second procedure.

Patient 40

Gender: Female Age: 66 Description: Patient is a 66 year old female who complains of lax abdominal wall after she lost over 150 pounds. She is 4 months after abdominoplasty with lipo of the flanks.

Patient 41

Gender: Female Age: 46 Description: Patient is a 46 year old AA female who complains of being overweight after three children. She is 6 months after abdominoplasty and liposuction of her hips and bra rolls.

Patient 42

Gender: Female Age: 30 Description: Patient is a 30 year old female who complains of a thick abdomen even as a teenager. She is only 3 months after abdominoplasty with liposuction of her flanks. She has lost about 4 inches off her waist already.

Patient 43

Gender: Male Age: 43 Description: Patient is a 43 year old HM who complains of a lax and large abdomen despite effort with exercise. He is now 8 months after abdominoplasty and liposuction of the hips.

Patient 44

Gender: Female Age: 31 Description: Patient is a 31 year old mother of two and professional who complains of continued prominence of her abdomen. She is constantly asked “if she is pregnant or when are you due?”. She is now 4 months after abdominoplasty with liposuction of the waist. She has had significant improvement and continues to improve with each day.

Patient 45

Gender: Female Age: 33 Description: 33-year-old female underwent an abdominoplasty with liposuction to the bilateral flanks by Dr. Burt, achieving a slimmer, more contoured waistline.