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What to Expect from Breast Augmentation Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide for Women Interested in a Procedure

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular and highly successful cosmetic procedure that benefits many women. But as with any surgical procedure, risks are involved, and post-operative care must be taken seriously to ensure optimal results. Here, we will discuss what breast augmentation involves—from the preoperative assessment process through recovery.

We proudly offer advanced breast augmentation surgery at Burt & Will Plastic Surgery and Dermatology in Burr Ridge, IL. We take a personalized approach to the procedure, considering a patient’s goals for the desired outcome. Utilizing the latest technologies and techniques, our staff works diligently to ensure that each patient achieves their desired result safely and with minimal downtime from recovery. Patients can expect quality care throughout their treatment journey as they seek to achieve a fuller-looking figure or figure proportioning through breast augmentation surgery.

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery involves the insertion of breast implants to enhance breast size and shape. This surgery can be performed for multiple goals, from increasing breast size to improving breast symmetry and restoring breast volume that may be lost due to aging or childbearing. Although breast augmentation surgery is often considered a cosmetic procedure, it has become an increasingly popular choice among women seeking physical and emotional benefits.

What Are Some Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular and readily available plastic surgery procedure that allows patients to change their natural breast shape or enhance size. As there are many potential benefits associated with this type of treatment, prospective patients must understand more about the details before they decide whether having the operation makes sense for them.

Restore Breasts After Pregnancy and Aging

Whether women have breastfed or have gone through the aging process, breast augmentation surgery is a successful way to restore fullness and counter age-related sagging. Breast augmentation has been popular for many years as it provides results with minimal scarring and recovery time. With modern-day breast augmentation procedures, the health risks associated with breast enlargement are minimal, making it a safe and commonly performed surgery. With breast implants, an enhanced bust line can be achieved while maintaining a natural look and feel. 

Even Out Naturally Asymmetrical Breasts

One of the primary benefits of breast augmentation surgery is evening out naturally asymmetrical breasts. This procedure can improve breast size and shape and restore breast volume diminished by pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging.

Rebuild Breasts After a Mastectomy

Rebuilding breast tissue after a mastectomy is achievable through breast augmentation surgery. This procedure helps to improve breast symmetry, restore breast volume, and position the breast implants within an anatomically correct landscape.

What Are Some Factors in Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery is a popular way to enhance breast size, shape, and contour. There are three types of breast augmentation available: autologous breast augmentation (natural), cohesive gel breast augmentation, and saline breast augmentation. 

Autologous breast augmentation involves taking fat from elsewhere in your body and transferring it to breast tissue for an all-natural look. Cohesive gel breast implants use implantable devices that create a long-lasting enhancement look. Finally, saline breast implants use salt water injected into a pocket near the breast to produce more volume with minimal scarring.

Where the implants are placed – either on top of or underneath muscle – affects how visible they will be after surgery; their visibility also depends on incision patterns. Finally, a breast lift may need to be done in conjunction with a breast augmentation surgery if significant sagging or drooping is present before surgery. 

Breast augmentation before and after results can vary greatly depending on several factors. For those considering breast enhancement surgery, it’s essential to consider these factors for optimal results.

What Should You Expect from Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery includes using anesthesia and sedation medications to help you remain asleep throughout the procedure. We will make incisions in the pre-determined locations, then create a small pocket for the breast implants. Depending on your body type and desired results, they may be placed above or below the chest muscle or partially beneath it. 

Once placement and positioning have been achieved, sutures are used to close the incisions, while bandages are wrapped around the breast area. Sometimes, a strap may also be used to stabilize the breast implants. You will then be monitored in a recovery room before being released into the care of a loved one who will take you home and see that you are settled comfortably. Feeling sore and tired is standard for most patients following breast augmentation surgery, so rest for at least a few days is highly recommended.

What Makes You a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

If you are unhappy with the size and shape of your breasts, breast augmentation may be an option. This surgical procedure can help make your breasts larger, fuller, and more symmetrical. To determine if breast augmentation is proper for you, it is essential to understand the benefits and risks associated with breast implant surgery.

To determine candidacy, a consultation with Dr. Burt is necessary. She will examine your breast and body type, discuss your goals for surgery, and review your medical history before making a recommendation. Once candidacy has been established, Dr. Burt will guide which options are best based on your body and desired results.

Transform Your Life with Breast Augmentation Surgery

At Burt & Will Plastic Surgery, breast augmentation surgery is one of the many procedures available for clients in Naperville and Burr Ridge, IL. We believe breast augmentation should be approached with a combination of knowledge and safety to get the desired results. We strive to remain current on the latest advances in breast enhancement technology to ensure that our clients get excellent care from start to finish. If you’re looking for a professional practice for breast augmentation surgery in the area, contact us or call us today for a consultation.

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