As you age, the skin around your eyelids can stretch and become laxer. At the same time, the muscles that keep your eyelids from drooping can grow weaker. Many people can also get fat that collects in the area which can lead to heavy eyelids or bags under the eyes.
If you have noticed any of these occurrences with your eyes and you are unhappy with your appearance, we offer blepharoplasty at Burt & Will Plastic Surgery and Dermatology to help address these concerns.
What Is Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is surgery that is performed on the upper or lower eyelids. During this procedure, excess skin can be removed along with excess fat. The muscles that have weakened over time can also be tightened and lifted during this surgery.
What Can Blepharoplasty Address?
Blepharoplasty can be used to address many concerns that may be a result of aging, injury, or even the natural contour of your eyelids. Cosmetically, eyelid surgery can help address hooded lids, bagginess under the lids, uneven eyelids, and excess fat and skin in the area. Blepharoplasty can also help to address vision issues that are caused by drooping eyelids.
However, blepharoplasty cannot address dynamic lines around the eyes such as frown lines or crow’s feet. If you have concerns about these lines, we can recommend additional treatments that target these areas such as neuromodulators or laser resurfacing treatments.
Types of Eyelid Surgery
Upper Eyelid Surgery
If you have heavy upper eyelids, we may recommend upper eyelid surgery. During this surgery, skin, fat, and redundant muscle tissue is removed from the area. Cuts are made in the crease of the upper eyelid to hide them. The goal of this type of surgery is to lift the eyelids and make the eyes more open and awake in appearance.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
Bagginess under the eyes can make you look more tired than you feel. But removing excess skin and lifting the area, can improve your appearance and make your eyes look more open and alert. Incisions for this type of surgery can be made on the lash line, or can even be made on the inside of the eyelid.
Double Eyelid Surgery
Both upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery can be performed at the same time on certain patients. If you have concerns that you want to address on your upper and lower eyelids, you can talk to us about combining these two procedures with double eyelid surgery.
What Type of Anesthesia Is Used for Blepharoplasty?
The type of anesthesia that is used for your surgery will depend on what you and your doctor decide. Surgeries can be performed under general anesthesia or twilight anesthesia. If you prefer twilight anesthesia, the surgery can be performed at our on-site surgery center. With either option, you will feel no pain during the operation.
What to Expect Before, During, and After Surgery
Before Surgery
We will need to get a detailed medical history from you before we recommend eyelid surgery. We will ask you about your family history, past surgeries, current medications, allergies to medications, and more. You may need to adjust your medications, diet, and habits before the surgery to ensure that your body is well-positioned for recovery.
During Surgery
When you come into our surgery center or the hospital, you will be placed under the anesthetic option that you and your doctor have chosen. Once the area is completely numb, your surgeon will make a careful incision in a discreet location and remove the excess skin, muscle, and fat. Sutures are often only required for upper eyelid surgery. Your surgeon may use dissolvable sutures, or you may need to come in a week after surgery to have your sutures removed.
After Surgery
You will want to plan to give yourself a week at home to rest and recover from your surgery. You may have soreness in your eyelids, but we help you manage this by prescribing pain medication. It is normal to have some swelling and bruising on your eyelids and surrounding tissues. The majority of these normal effects will subside by the two-week mark.
If an incision was made on the outside of your eyelid, you may have a scar. However, we always place the incision in a hidden location. As your body continues to heal, this scar will grow even fainter. By six months post-surgery, these scars are usually virtually unnoticeable. Make sure to follow all of our instructions for care so that your incisions can heal as effectively as possible.
Are Blepharoplasty Results Permanent?
The length of time that your blepharoplasty can last will depend on factors that are different for every person. As your skin ages, the results of your surgery may change. However, eyelid surgery can be a very long-lasting surgery and can give you excellent results for years. You can talk to your surgeon if you have any other questions about what you can expect from your surgery. We also offer a large gallery of eyelid surgery before and after photos to give you an idea of the type of results that may be possible in your situation.
Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery in Burr Ridge, IL
If you have eyelids that are obscuring your vision or you are unhappy with your hooded or baggy upper and lower eyelids, you may be a good candidate for eyelid surgery. We offer upper, lower, and double eyelid surgery at Burt & Will Plastic Surgery and Dermatology in Burr Ridge, IL, as well as many other treatments and procedures that can refresh your appearance. Call us today to set up a consultation, or schedule an appointment online.