Mommy Makeover Series: Preparing for Your Consultation

You’ve decided on getting a mommy makeover, one of the most powerful plastic surgery procedures available for women. By choosing a mommy makeover, you’ve put yourself on the path to bringing your body back to its prime with procedures like the breast lift, tummy tuck, and liposuction. But what’s the next step? Before you dive into the plastic surgery process, you should take a step back and make sure you’re well prepared for your procedure—starting with your consultation. On this first post in Burt & Will’s series on the Mommy Makeover, we’re going to discuss how you can best prepare for your plastic surgery consultation.

Do the Research

The mommy makeover is a complex procedure, and you to learn all you can about it. Before your consultation, take some time to thoroughly research the mommy makeover and the different procedures people commonly pick for their mommy makeovers, like the tummy tuck or the breast lift. The more you know, the better you’ll be able to get basic questions out of the way and the more rewarding the consultation will be.

Bring the Right Questions

It’s important that you walk out of your consultation with complete peace of mind, and the best way to make sure that happens is by bringing a list of your own questions to the consultation. Remember, your questions should address those concerns that matter the most to you. You should also use this as an opportunity to learn about your surgeon; ask them questions about their experience with the mommy makeover, or how frequently they perform the procedure every year.

Be Honest About Your Medical History

Your safety is tantamount, which is why it’s so important that you bring a detailed medical history to your consultation. Certain conditions and medications can make it risky for you to do certain procedures, so to be safe, you need to alert your surgeon about your health. You should also always be honest about any alcohol and drug use.

Schedule Around the Consultation

A rushed consultation is a recipe for disaster; you need to be on the exact same page with your surgeon, and that can only happen if you give you and your surgeon enough time to have a constructive discussion about your procedure. That’s why it’s essential that you schedule your consultation so that you can have a long a discussion as you need it to be.

Know Why You’re Doing This

The most important thing you can bring to your consultation? The right attitude. Before your consultation, think long and hard about what’s motivating you to get this procedure done. The clearer you are to your surgeon about what you’re trying to accomplish, the easier it’ll be for your surgeon to help you get to where you want to be.

Your consultation might just be the first step to returning your body to its peak, but just getting off on the right foot will set the tone for the rest of your plastic surgery journey. For a consultation on the Mommy Makeover, contact Burt & Will.

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